To continue with the celebration of PORDAMSA's 45th anniversary, we present video #2 about how we produce porcelain paste and the creation of plaster molds.

For porcelain manufacturing, we select the best raw materials: feldspat, quartz and kaolin. The quality of these gives the pure white colour, a key attribute of PORDAMSA products.

Porcelain paste is the result of mixing the three minerals with warm water. They are blended, sieved and we obtain a fine and homogeneous paste. Finally, we purify the paste from iron oxides - natural mineral pigments from the earth – in order to obtain the best quality porcelain.

On the other hand, we make the plaster molds used to create the final pieces. Based on the original model, we develop the template and from this, the plaster molds that will be used to reproduce the final piece. Due to the wear of the material, the molds have to be replaced periodically to always maintain the same quality of finish.

We will show you soon the following video about how we work at PORDAMSA. Stay tuned for the next videos!